
Thursday 38 things update – 5

On my birthday I decided to do one new thing (or revisit one thing I enjoyed but haven’t done in a while) for each of my 38 years. (Original Post Here).

Here is an update on some of the items I have done:



  • See Welcome to NightVale live show (4/3 – it was awesome, and the actor for Carlos –adorable.)


Items I have made progress on:

  • Find a way to support, advocate the LGBT community
    • Helped PFLAG secretary create LGBT+ term bingo for upcoming PFLAG meeting
    • Spoke with on-campus LGBT affairs rep on how to get involved
  • Learn how to knit ; knit something
    • Learned how to purl and close off a project; used an entire skein of yarn making one long not-quite scarf
  • Submit at least 1 short story a month
    • Found a potential new market for my one circulating story
  • Complete a 2nd draft of a novel
    • Printed outlines of the two current contender stories to evaluate which I will work on
  • Learn how to play Magicwpn_productshot_m15_builderstoolkit_1
    • Played several games of open-handed magic with my premade/ purchased deck
    • Bought a deck-builders kit for 2015 Core, sorted the cards
    • Build my own deck – played two open handed games with it – one loss, one win
  • Swim with Dolphins
  • Read 38 books
    • Books read to date in 2015 (as tracked in Goodreads)
      1. The Winter Long – Seanan McGuire
      2. Celebromancy – Michael R. Underwood
      3. Anna Dressed in Blood – Kendare Blake
      4. Sparrow Hill Road – Seanan McGuire
      5. The Eighth Guardian – Meredith McCardle
      6. The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win your Inner Creative Battles – Steven Pressfield
      7. Invisible – Jim. C. Hines
      8. The Brief History of the Dead – Kevin Brockeier
      9. Writing the Other – Nisi Shawl & Cynthia Ward
      10. Curtsies & Conspiracies – Gail Carriger
      11. Lock In – John Scalzi