Last week I attended ALA Annual – (the larger of the American Library Association’s conferences) for work. While I was there to present one poster, and co-present a second, and learn from fellow library professionals, I also had the opportunity to enjoy myself. My friend Karen, a local to the Orlando area, let me stay at her house, and accompanied me to the conference’s exhibit floor, as well as sharing some other local joys with me, including her lovely four-footed child, Zelda.
Professional Development
All checked in with the first day’s conference paper.I presented “There’s a policy for that?” at the Saturday morning poster session. Photo by Brian Keith.Selfie with my poster.George Wade with the poster we co-presented, “7,000 and Counting“
Meeting AuthorsĀ
When the author asks for a selfie with you. Apparently I ask good questions. Photo by e.E. Charlton-TrujilloAn articulate and inspiring young lady – Selfie with Jazz Jennings.Meeting an NPR celebrity – Paula PoundstoneRobin Stevenson, e.E. Charlton-Trujillo, Ingrid Abrams, Alex Gino and E.M. Kokie discussing LBT+ representation in YA and MG novels.
Taking on Important Issues
Karen’s contribution to the “I Stand with Orlando” board.I stand with Orlando because love and not hate is what should define humanity. #OrlandoStrongIn light of all the hubbub around bathroom bills, I was thrilled to see this sign in one of the main banks of bathrooms.There was a booth to create videos for banned books week. Karen read an excerpt from It, and I chose And Tango Makes Three.
Other Weekend Fun
Ice cream sandwiches, cupcakes and a cafe with comfy chairs and books – snacking heaven.Me and Zelda chillin’Logging books I scored in the exhibit hall in GoodreadsZelda just wanted a seat at the table.
Hey! I remember that moment where G. Neri photobombed. Thanks for sharing that along with the other great snaps from ALA.