Part one of a tour of my tattoos, in celebration of National Tattoo Day later this week.
I had the opportunity to present on the art of letter writing. During the quarantine this is how I’m doing most of my writing.
Continued from Life in the time of pandemic – part 1 Context – Updated Okay, so I started writing this post two days after I posted Part 1. Two and a half weeks later, I realized why I was getting stalled in finishing it. I was going to parallel this portion…
I have a part two to the COVID-19 post from weeks ago, well, I’ve got the design of it. I’m still spinning up enough mental energy to actually put those words on the page. In the meantime I’ve been journaling. This one felt especially poignant to me, and relevant here,…
Context March 22, 2020 – around 11 am EDT. 1 We are in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. We get constant updates from the news, from social media, hell, from search engines, about the state of the country, and the world, as humanity tries to figure out how to…
For me, the change to the new year as noted by the Gregorian calendar is a time when I start to contemplate the year ahead. But I usually don’t get around to more fully analyzing the past year and consider the upcoming year until later in the month,on my birthday.…
Part 2 1 2019 One good thing that came out of my unexpected change in my career trajectory, I got back into writing, and I’m talking actual words on page, not writing-adjacent activities. In November of 2018 I had started a novel for NaNo WriMo. With an understanding that I…
Dear John, A dreaded phrase representing the end of a relationship. The realization from one party that what had been built to bind two together was now untenable. There is so much wrapped up in that phrase, a sense of loss, of disappointment, and in some cases, betrayal. Dear George,…
Release The word I have chosen as my focus this year is Release. This, in part, is an extension of my word from past year(s), Simplify. To me, the concept of release captures letting go of clutter, yes, but also unhealthy emotional attachments, and release of pre-conceived notions of who I should…
This, surprisingly, is another post I am finding difficult to write. Is this what irony feels like? I came to the realization that I don’t have a good sense of what “success” looks like. But in a profession like writing, I think that looks different for each person. So, then,…