xxx – mileage from work to three different locations I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1000 Not my circus, not my monkey. xxx – note to self about a specific title to check on future In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived,…
I work within the library system at the University of Florida. In effort to increase my professional development for my role there, I have been taking the Supervisory Challenge courses at UF (that is where the values survey that vexed me came from). In addition, I applied, and was accepted…
Every year since 2003, I have participated in (well, at least signed up for) NaNo WriMo (National Novel Writing Month, for the lay-person). The goal is simple, write 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. What! Are you kidding? Fifty-THOUSAND words? Is that even possible? The answer is, for…
Once again I have a Betta fish – though after the last one I had grown cold on the idea of having a fish in my office (to the point where I got rid of all the tanks and supplies I had used on my previous underwater companions). But a…
It is a difficult day today, so instead of anything substantial, here are some more Marginalia. These are taken from what I’ve scribbled on the side of my notes from the first two training workshops I’ve taken in UF’s Supervisory Challenge (c) training know our feelings (therapy to help be…
I have begun to see a therapist as treatment for my depression in conjunction with the medication I am on. Talking with her this week, taking compliments came up. I don’t take compliments well. That phrase sounds funny – like I get aggressive you you attempt to compliment me. And…
Sometimes I feel that if I could just get a vacation – some time away from my normal routine and responsibilities (my fantasy get-away alternates from me just being at home, to me being in some cabin somewhere) – but if I could just get that break from things, then…
My sibling, And, and I discuss gender and gender identity a lot since de has come out as genderqueer – that is, not identifying wholly as either male, or female. We discuss gender binary as a social construct, and how language enforces this. Most recently (today in fact), And posted in…
I take down notes, thoughts, quotes, overheard fragments of conversations, and phrases that are cool or quirky when taken out of context. I do this all the time. I jot them on post-its, in one of the numerous notebooks I carry, and in the margins of my notes from classes…
Today is a coping day with regards to my depression. I’m still trying to figure this thing out, but I came to the realization that what I have accomplished thus far today is because I have many tools I’ve incorporated into my life to cope with the depression. Things that…