Whelp, we have officially wasted half a year. Only six month remain to make what we want to out of 2016. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not mad at myself for what I have/ haven’t achieved so far this year, but I can say I didn’t get as much done…
http://www.writingexcuses.com/2015/02/22/writing-excuses-10-8-qa-on-character/ Assignment: Sketch out the events before and after your dead-drop scene from last week and three weeks ago. BEFORE: Abi was at her work, a museum conservation office, scrambling to create a forgery of the Shakespeare Folio, and not be noticed by her coworkers. She packed it in a…
From the second Character class (http://www.writingexcuses.com/2015/02/15/writing-excuses-10-7-who-are-all-these-people/) here is an exercise that builds on the previous one. My previous exercise can be found here: Writing Excuses Homework 10.5 Writing Prompt: Pick one of the dead-drop characters from the exercise two weeks ago, and turn them into a secondary character. Now take…
Writing Excuses, season 10, episode 5 (http://www.writingexcuses.com/2015/02/01/writing-excuses-10-5-what-do-you-mean-my-main-character-is-boring/) homework: Take three different characters and walk them through a scene. Convey their emotional states, their jobs, and their hobbies without directly stating any of those. The scene in question: walking through a marketplace, and they need to do a dead-drop. Robert stormed…
Writing Excuses Season 10, Episode 4: (http://www.writingexcuses.com/2015/01/25/writing-excuses-10-4-qa-on-ideas/) Take one of the ideas you’re excited about, and then audition five different characters for the lead role in that story. Make sure they’re all different from each other. For this exercise I didn’t pick one of the story ideas from the previous…
For the exercises from season 10, episode 2,(http://www.writingexcuses.com/2015/01/11/writing-excuses-10-2-i-have-an-idea-what-do-i-do-now). I am using the story ideas from both my first and second pass at the 10.1 homework. The short-hand titles for my ideas are here: Hologram playdates Adopting for Status AIs seeking base code Animal religion Judgemental coyotes Celestial custodian Stardust Binary…
So last year I started the Master Class that was season 10 of Writing Excuses, with the intent of posting my homework here. I got as far as the first exercise (Writing Excuses Homework 10.1). I have picked up listening to that season again from the beginning, and am starting…
It has been a long time since I have written. A really long time. Like since the writing retreat I’d attended last year in September long time. Hell, I’ve barely journaled in that time, and after seeing the massive quantities of paper that I recycled after scanning in my old…
So, I have met my word count goal for today. It was difficult, but I reached the 1,667 minimum. Then I pushed on to get past 2,000. I even removed the 205 words from the count that I have in strike-out text (a false start on the first scene). Overall…
Sunday the calendar switches from October to November, and with it comes the start of National Novel Writing Month (NaNo WriMo). The goal is 50,000 words in 30 days – or an average of 1,667 words a day. For some this seems like a Herculean feat, particularly in a short…